Where UX Design meets Product

Building a product has never been easier. Building a product people love has never been harder. Learn how to do it in our 100% live-streamed, hands-on, one-month course that will equip you with knowledge on UX Design, Research and Prototyping.

Limited spots available.
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What is UX Design Foundations by One Month PM?

A 30-day live-streamed course aimed at getting you started in UX Design and Research. The program combines design sessions, frameworks and tools to help you understand UX Design, Research and get your product ready to be built.

Meet your course instructor

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Lead Product Designer at Asistobe, developing and consolidating the interest in UX Research and User-Centered Design, along with understanding a good User Interface (UI) and Visual Design. Previously a Videogames Designer, being my passion since a child, however, my interest in understanding how to create something that people could enjoy led me to graduate and to pursue a UX/UI design career.

Cรกtia Carvalho

Check the course program

  • Week 1

    Why is UX Design important?

    This week you'll learn the basic concepts and foundations of UX Design, processes, and benefits for stakeholders and companies.

  • Week 2

    Strategy and Planning

    This week you'll understand what customer discovery is, and learn what your user is looking for, through the most common UX Design processes.

  • Week 3

    Research & Analysis

    This week youโ€™ll learn how to identify the different types of user research, define your product vision & design the strategy to get there.

  • Week 4

    Design and Structure

    This week youโ€™ll learn about the prototyping and testing process, and how to get to your MVP. You'll discover how to prioritize and decide what features to build.

+800 people have joined us ๐Ÿ˜

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This course is for...

Anyone working around technology

If you work in tech or in a company where User Experience matters, then knowing about product will prepare you for any challenge.

Data analysts and scientists

Anyone dealing with data, who knows their work is a mean towards providing a great user experience, and building a product that empowers more insight collection.

Product owners & Project Managers

Anyone working as a PO or managing a project, looking to learn how UX design can impact their work, leading to better products.

(Growth) Marketers

Anyone working in acquiring customers, and marketing to users and who want to learn how a great UX process works, improving their own execution.

Entrepreneurs & company leaders

Anyone starting a company, managing an organization, or leading key functional areas where UX Design will make a difference between competing and winning.

Anyone looking to change their career

One of the fastest career tracks right now is product management. This is a great place to start if you're looking to change industry, job, or simply need a new challenge.

UX Design for everyone

We believe the best way to change the world is to make product knowledge accessible and affordable. With UX Design Foundations by One Month PM you don't need to break the bank.

  • Limited spots available
    • โœ“
      16 hours of UX Design sessions
    • โœ“
      Hands-on feedback
    • โœ“
      Discussion sessions
    • โœ“
      Statement of accomplishment
    • โœ“
      Join our +700 Slack community

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