Join the Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype Nano Bootcamp

This hands-on one-week online live-streamed bootcamp guides participants through the prototyping process. Participants will learn to develop prototypes from initial ideas, test their viability, and iterate based on user feedback. This is 🔒members-only - Join the Membership.

Learn what matters about Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype

Our Nano Bootcamps have the goal of giving key knowledge so you can put what you learn in practice right away.

  • What you'll learn:

    • Developing initial prototypes
    • Testing prototype viability
    • Iterating based on user feedback
  • Karin Garcia Moreno
    Nano Bootcamp Lead

    Creator, writer and builder, helping founders from idea to prototype | Building Maze, and former Product Manager at Cashlink.

Our +2.000 alumni really like us

Nano Bootcamps are 🔒 members-only

How does the Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype Nano Bootcamp work?

  • Live Lecture

    Join the 2-hour live lecture led by Karin Garcia Moreno about Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype. Go deep into the frameworks, tactics and techniques, including live exercises.

  • Live Q&A Masterclass

    Join a 1-hour live Q&A Masterclass with a select expert on Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype. Bring your best questions and learn from the best in the field on how they do it.

  • 5-10 Micro Lessons

    Go deeper into the topic with our recorded Micro Lessons, answering key questions about Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype. At your own pace.

  • Deep Dives Checklist

    Complete the deep dives, a select list of articles, podcasts and videos, curated by Karin Garcia Moreno. Build your learning hub.

  • Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype Challenge

    Challenge yourself with the Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype Challenge, at your own pace. Put in practice what you learned.

  • Final Quiz

    Earn your Prototyping: From Idea to Prototype Certificate by completing the Final Quiz, a series of questions aimed at challenging your new knowledge.

Unlock all Nano Bootcamps with the Membership

Access this Nano Bootcamp by joining the Membership

Unlimited access to all Live Programs, including more than 10 Bootcamps (4 week experiences), 15 Nano Bootcamps (1 week experiences), Expert Masterclasses, Quizzes, Templates and more.

  • Unlimited Yearly Membership

    Early 🐤 Price - First 100 Members
    /year (+tax)
    Total with tax = €442.80
    • ✓
      Unlimited access to all Bootcamps ℹ️
      During 12 months you can access every single Bootcamp, our 4-week programs, for no extra cost. Check the calendar, choose a Bootcamp and join. Over 10 available Bootcamps.
    • ✓
      Unlimited access to all Nano-Bootcamps (members-only) ℹ️
      During 12 months you can access every single Nano Bootcamp, our 1-week skills programs, for no extra cost. Check the calendar, choose a Nano Bootcamp and join. Over 15 available Nano Bootcamps.
    • ✓
      Unlimited access to all Live Masterclasses ℹ️
      For 12 months you can access every single Live Masterclass with invited experts. Check the calendar, choose a Masterclass and join. Listen to experts from Google, Meta, Netflix, Uber and more.
    • ✓
      Get every Live Session Recordings (unlimited time) ℹ️
      If you miss a session, or want to review the content, Members can access every Live Session recording from programs they joined.
    • ✓
      Unlock all Statements of Accomplishment & Micro-Certifications
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      Priority fast-track to each program's limited slots ℹ️
      We always limit each program's slots, and our members get priority access up to the program's total available seats.
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      Access to all challenges ℹ️
      Members have access to each Bootcamp and Nano Bootcamp's custom challenges.
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      Access to all graded quizzes ℹ️
      Members have access to each Bootcamp and Nano Bootcamp's end of program quizzes, including individual grading.
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      Access to all templates ℹ️
      Members have access to each Bootcamp and Nano Bootcamp's included custom templates from the shared frameworks.
    • ✓
      Unlock members-only sessions, programs & live-events ℹ️
      Members can join new Bootcamps and Nano Bootcamps, as well as exclusive AMA's and live-streamed events.
    • ✓
      Access the Product Talent Network (coming soon)